Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pregnancy week 19

In a blink of time, it's my 19th week of pregnancy. Ultrasound scanning shows that its a boy. I am so gald that I am blessed with a baby boy since I had already a baby girl.All I wish is just a healthy baby.

My hypertension was under control as I am taking medication. As usual, I am not allowed to be too stressed and always to remain calm. This really helps to make me a really patience person nowadays. Unless there is something else that really errupts my temper.Haha

Baby is doing fine. Active as usual. Moving around non stop. I started to feel my baby's movement since week 16th but the movements are stronger now as week goes by. Sometimes, he is kicking kinda hard too! Just like the sister.

There is not much difference on my body changes yet as I just gained about 800g so far in my entire pregnancy. So far so good. Hope that I won't gain so much this pregnancy around. I am still big from my last pregnancy. There is a little bump on my abdomen now. Many people claim that my belly is quite small for a 4 1/2 mth pregnancy. I don't get a big belly when I had Xinye. Maybe as what people says, I got big butt..Haha...baby got place to hide.

Went to baby fair last weekend to see what can I get hold for my newborn. Not much that interest me although they are giving a good bargain. Bought a set of pillow and bolsters, some breast pad, bib, bottle wash....etc...I don't really need much stuffs for this round of pregnancy as I already had them on my last.Phew....

Stay tune for my next update....

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