Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pregnancy week 31

Tada...It has been quite some time that I last blogged. In a glimpse of eye, I am currently in my 31st weeks of pregnancy.

Both baby and myself are doing fine. My blood pressure under control by not missing my medication. Baby movement is very good. Kicking me all day long non stop. Active is good.

Doctor's advice for normal delivery, epidural is a must for my case as it will not make my blood pressure rise during my contraction period. Or Else, I need to go for C-Sec. I did heard about the consequences of epidural but as compared to C-Sec, I think I will opt for epidural since I did use epidural in my first delivery as I am really in pain and my pressure was rosing high.

Why no C- Sec? Erm...I guess I don't really like the feeling being cut. Haha...Unless I have no choice. The after effect; the pain after C-Sec, I heard is not so nice to bear. The scar left on the belly, cases of broken stiches, unable to have massages after deliver, unable to carry your baby, unable to move around freely...and much more are the things that I am concern of.

I guess I am a freak in this. I will still go for normal delivery unless of special cases. 9 more weeks to go...and I pray for a smooth pregnancy and delivery ahead.

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